1. “Pieces” by Jason Lee McKinney Band

Jason is a soulful country and blues artist straight out of Nashville Tennessee. This album starts off with a high energy rockabilly jam with a catchy chorus followed by a funk, rock and roll sing-along. The title track “Pieces” highlights his talent as a vocalist and his melodies while songs like “Groove is getting old” is filled with with tasty guitar licks and organ. Then Jason lets us know he is here to have fun with the provocative funk rock song “Thicc”. The album ends with a blues rock song and soaring guitar solo.
2. “Intruder” by Sleep Labs

This EP is intense and experimental. It begins with their skillful progressive metalcore sound, but soon ventures into unknown areas when the song reaches a slower part with a saxophone solo before returning back to their heavy sound. The songs flow seamlessly into the next with brooding instrumental interludes in between. The EP ends with the title track “Intruder”, which is a brutal metal song, but closes with creepy electronic sounds fading into darkness.
3. “Heeia” by Johnny Jamz

This is a brilliant psychedelic synth wave album that takes you on a trip to distant unknown worlds. It’s like exploring an ocean on an alien planet. While some songs like “Astralingus” are more ambient and floating, others like “Poka papakole” have hip hop grooves and catchy synth melodies. This album is spooky and beautiful.
4. “Filed under rhonda” by Zach Kincaid

This EP is good old country and bluegrass. It begins with a scathing critique of government with “Dear Mr. Congressman” followed by an upbeat bluegrass rock song full of classic slide guitar. This EP might make you want to grab your Stetson hat and head on over to the local watering hole, and the final song is a ballad you would listen to as you ride off into the sunset.
5. ”Transistors & transitions" by Hundred
Year Dash

This album has been described as synth punk. It begins with an 8 bit synth sound playing an arpeggio before the drums and gritty bass line come in. The energy picks up with “Microscopic” and “Magnetic” and there is an edge in his vocals. The songs vary from fun and lighthearted to mysterious and aggressive. “Endless universe” even taps into a much darker and heavy sound. But the album ends with a brighter, happier electro pop song to wrap it all together.
Written by Jaron Weidner
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