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7 Albums Made By Libertarians In 2022

Self described “liberty rap group” Freenauts have finally released their first full length album. As a collaboration of several hip hop and rap artists, they all bring their unique styles into the project. They do not shy away from their anti-state and pro agorist messages.

Jaron has taken a break from his synth pop project Hundred Year Dash to make this indie punk solo project. These songs are chock full of subtle economic and literary references, but definitely written for the emo kids.

After his album of cover songs last year, Jason is back with another album of original music. He blends gospel, funk, and blues together in his soulful songs. It is infused with the sound of Nashville Tennessee with the stand out single “Sing on”.

After releasing a number of singles, Luke (AKA Sinner Frenz) has released his first full length album. These dark ambient electronic songs will transport you to an otherworldly plane. The beeps and boops of analog synths pervade this mostly instrumental album. But that doesn’t mean it is completely without a subtle anti state theme.

Shawn is back again with his folk and blues protest songs. These songs evoke an imagine of friends in rocking chairs on an old porch with acoustic guitars letting out their anti government angst.

Considered as one of the best punk rock albums of 2022, the Interrupters continue to do what they do best. Once public supporters of Ron Paul’s run for president, they have now focused more on general themes of individualism and freedom. This ska/punk sound may be a throwback for some people, but the Interrupters keep it new and fresh and fun.

If you are in the mood to head bang to some hard rock music, this is the album for you. Front man Gary uses his anti-taxation rage to deliver his lyrics alongside the nu metal grooves and guitar solos.


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